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Other Coverage

We take pride in our wide selection of coverage options.


We really DO have something for ALL of your insurance needs.


If you have any questions regarding our products or would like more information, please contact us:

Personal Auto Insurance

With a number of auto insurance companies we can find a policy to meet your needs and your budget!

Motorcycle Insurance

We offer insurance coverage for all kinds of motorcycles, accessories and safety-related gear.

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General Liability

We offer business general liability policies from a number of companies. We have coverage for contractors, tree trimmers, loggers, property owner's associations, plumbers, lawn mowers, lawyers, banks, and other businesses, just to name a few!

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Autos with custom equipment

Custom equipment, such as hay beds, may NOT be covered under personal auto policies.

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Boat Insurance

Boat insurance can help you protect your boat, motor, trailer, other equipment, and even passengers from risk.

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Workers' Compensation

If you are a business owner, you may need workers compensation coverage for you and your employees. Give us a call and we'll find the coverage you need.

Home Insurance

Properly insure one of your most valuable investments! Whether you are needing coverage for your primary, secondary, or rental home, give us a try!

Motorhome/Travel Trailers

We have several different options when it comes to covering your motorhome or travel trailer. Give us a call and we can talk about the different options.

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Commercial Auto

If you have a sign on the door of your truck, you likely need a commercial auto policy to have coverage in the event of a claim. For your small business or your fleet of vehicles, give us a call for a quote today.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Security Insurance Agency

1310 Old Hwy 37, Suite 400

(across from Security Bank)

PO BOX 547 

Cassville, Missouri 65625

Phone: 417-847-8384

Licensed in Missouri and Arkansas



Security Insurance Agency | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy

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